Central / Olympic area Pet Walker
About Bobo
I love to walk with pets, play with them 我帶狗仔出街,同狗仔,貓仔係屋企玩
I can pet walking around Olympics stations (Tai Kok Tsui, V Walk Nan Chang and Central (since my work is around there), I prefer walk 1-2 Pets at a time within same household. Morning, lunch and evening are preferred.
我可以同寵物係中環地區(因為我在這工作)或奧運地鐵站,大角咀和南昌 v walk 遛。我個人比較適合每次每個家庭,只遛一至兩隻寵物🦮🐩
I prefer and walk with gods that within 20KG, since I'm a small women, sorry but I would need to take responsibility for each walk I did !
Let me know if you have any specific requests before, during, or after the walk. Pet owners need to prepare pet lead, poop bags, and grooming wipes, If owners provide treats to the pet, I would be more than happy to give them.
Can provide pictures/ video during the walking, can do basic cleaning after walking (please provide necessary materials_ wet wipes), if I can talk to you face to face after the walk, I will let you know how the pets feel during the walk.
可以提供相片 or 視頻告知寵物散步既情況。如果有提供清潔用品,完成散步後,到家可以進行簡單手腳清潔。散步後,如果可以同主人見面,更會告知寵物的散步情況。